Thursday, December 19, 2013

City of Golden Friendship


         First stop from the many spots we'll encounter in Northern Mindanao is our very own city- the city of Golden Friendship. This city is widely known as Cagayan de Oro City, and has gained it's popularity due to the hospitality of the people, and just a tiny part of its legend. We'll take you to the few places in this city, before we start hopping to the next spot. Relax and enjoy as the beauty of this city unfolds before you.

        Kagay-anons love to celebrate feasts and holidays, as much as they love to eat, enjoy and commemorate. This picture was taken by Markee S. Aclao at Divisoria. This pretty picture of aa Christmas tree is proof of the Kagay-anons love for holidays. Divisoria is a bustling part of the city, where numerous stalls and boutiques selling cheap items, are located. It is one of the commercial sites and one of the busiest areas within the city, where students, buyers and entrepreneurs venture. Great items are found here, not to mention great pig-out spots. On the next post, there might be a mention of one of those pig-out spots where you can enjoy a luxurious meal with a pocket-friendly price. 
          This picture was taken at McArthur park. This park is one of the biggest parks in the city, where the Municipal City hall is located. 
           This is the front view of the Municipal hall. This picture showed the less-busier working hours, since not one individual is seen lurking around the area. South of this area, one will see the huge statue on the third picture. A few benches littered the place, sheds where chess tournaments are held could also be seen here. Not to mention the beatific lights hanged on the branches of the trees. These lights give off an ethereal sense of calm every night. 

             More is in store for you, as we continue exploring the beautiful scenery in Cagayan de Oro City, where friendship is seen in the smiles of the children and the actions of its citizens.
               Let us not forget the beautiful photos captured and edited by our very own Markee Aclao.


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